
30-Year-Olds: What your 50-Year-Old Skin will Thank you for

If you’re reading this and in your late twenties or thirties, I want to ask you a question.

What is the ten-year plan for your skin?

I imagine the answer for many is: ‘I didn’t even know I needed a ten-year plan for my skin!’

Your skin is your largest organ, and it can have a cosmic impact on your appearance. So whether we want to admit it or not, it’s time to plan ahead. It’s never too early to start thinking about your 50-year skin. The sooner you start taking care of it, the better! We have the best tips to prevent premature ageing.

Wear Sunscreen

Baz Luhrmann could not have put it better when he stated in his famous song, Everyone’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen), to do simply that. Wear sunscreen! Ultraviolet rays can damage your skin and cause premature ageing. It can be misleading in England, where scorching summer days are few and far between but don’t fall into the trap of assuming you have to be able to see the sun for your skin to feel it. Instead, always, always, always wear sunscreen outdoors, even on cloudy days and remember to reapply if you become particularly sweaty due to heat or exertion.

The application of SPF also applies before you even step out the front door. Research indicates that the blue light from laptops and phones can lead to changes in your skin cells. Even exposures as short as 60 minutes can trigger these changes.

The type of SPF you use is also crucial. I have heard countless times from clients that they have SPF in their make-up, and that’s enough! But, unfortunately, I’m sorry to tell you; these products and standard suncreams aren’t good enough. You’re free to wear sunscreen, but please make sure you research which medical grade is most effective for your skin to ensure your skin is fully protected whilst drawing additional health benefits such as hydration!

Routine, Routine, Routine

When it comes to skincare routines, consistency is critical. We often expect products we try to have an overnight effect, but in reality, it can take up to 3 months of consistent use to see the full effect. This is due to the time it takes for skin cells to renew and come to the surface.

For most skin types, the essential start is a gentle cleanser to remove all makeup and daily grime. Cleansing primes the skin ready for any active ingredients, giving optimal absorption.

We all should know by now that facial wipes just don’t cut it and have a negative environmental impact. Obagi Gentle Cleanser, which I rinse off in the shower or with a soft bamboo cloth, is a fantastic alternative product.

In the morning following cleansing, a potent antioxidant like Obagi Professional Vitamin C 10% will help protect against exposure to pollution and prevent free radical damage that can cause pigmentation.

To keep the skin supple, I add a non-pore clogging moisturiser, keeping the skin hydrated and glowing. I love the Obagi Hydro Drops for instant absorption.

Follow this with a daily SPF50, and then you are free to apply make-up on top. Obagi Tinted SunShield and SkinBetter Science Tone Smart SPF50 compact cream are my two favourites.

This whole morning routine should take you no more than 5 minutes and leave your skin ready to tackle the day.

When introducing an evening routine, retinol (after cleansing) is one of the best ways to improve skin quality. This is because they reduce pore size, improve fine lines, and regulate oil production, among other benefits, but that’s a whole other blog we will cover another time).

Retinols are only used at night, and care should be taken, as incorrect use can lead to irritation (which is often the leading cause of why people stop using them). So it is always a good idea to speak to me before so that I can tailor the right one to your skin type and lifestyle.

For me, SkinBetter science AlphaRet overnight cream is a super effective retinol with minimal adverse reactions and also combines an exfoliating acid to reveal fresh new underlying skin each morning.

Everyone’s skin is individual, so different product combinations will be required to tailor to your requirements. Again, I would suggest having a consultation to discuss the best routine for you.

Ultimately keeping skin healthy and looking younger for longer doesn’t take up a considerable amount of time or financial outlay, especially when combined with the correct daily care (from a young age) and obsessive SPF application. To reap the total rewards, I also live by the age-old tips of drinking enough water, reducing sugar intake, getting enough sleep, and managing stress levels. However, these points are a blog for another day!
For more tips on maintaining youthful skin, check out our previous blogs, including How to get picture-perfect skin for your wedding day. You can also call us on 0118 978 6083 or at [email protected] to book a personalised consultation!

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